Endorsements & Encouragement
A letter from a recipient of Raising The Blues, Ltd. services:
"I want to thank you once again for all of your support and for the truly great concert last Monday! I have received so many positive comments about the event, and about your generous donation of the guitar for our patient. But the most important and exciting thing to share is that one of the teens who attended became so inspired by the blues concert that he asked for guitar instruction on a daily basis until he was discharged on Friday. It gave him motivation and focus and of course, to encourage him in his new-found passion. Guess what he received to go home with?? You guessed it, the black and white donated guitar. His mom cried and he flopped back on the bed in surprise when we wheeled in the boxed guitar in a red wagon into his room. It really shows me that this was the perfect time for you to come! And if you hadn't come, this boy would have gone home with no hope of becoming a musical person, but now he has a sense of purpose, and the wherewithal to pursue a new-found passion! You guys are the best!! Thanks for all the work you do." from Anne - Music Therapist at Children's Hospital in NY |